Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What You Might Not Know About Mobility Scooters

A mobility scooter might be right for you. If you are planning to visit someone or taking a vacation, you can take your scooter with you and get the most out of this beautiful weather!

For many individuals with mobility disabilities, a powered scooter is an attractive alternative to a manual or powered wheelchair.  Scooters are often lighter, more compact, and more maneuverable than power chairs, and in many people’s eyes their appearance is more appealing.

Transporting your scooter can be more simple.

Most scooter owners find it necessary at some point to transport the scooter. If a van with a lift or public transportation is to be used, it may be advisable to consider a scooter with a narrow wheelbase and smaller overall profile to be certain that the scooter can be accommodated by the lift and be sufficiently maneuverable to be used on buses and other public transit vehicles.

Different options to transport the scooter include:

- Scooter carriers (that attach onto a vehicle's bumper or trailer hitch)
- Loading aids (help put the scooter into vehicles with a large cargo space)
- Scooters that break down into smaller components for storage in the vehicle

At HealthNorth we offer mobility scooters and are always willing to help you choose one that is right for you.

Come into HealthNorth and let us help you!

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